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Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

Ethiopian children more satisfied with school life than in the UK

Written by Muna

The Children’s Society and the University of York have spent a decade researching the well-being of children. Last week they published their findings in their fourth annual report, which you can find on The Children’s Society’s website.

For their research, they asked 60,000 children what matters in their lives. The questions were about subjects such as school satisfaction, bullying, teachers, body image, appearance and self-confidence.


In the report, 84% of Ethiopian children ‘totally’ liked going to school, compared with 26% in the UK. Compared to other countries in the survey, children in England tended to report poor relationships with their teachers. England ranked 14th for satisfaction with teachers and 14th for children feeling that they were treated fairly by teachers. In every category Ethiopia ranked higher than the UK.

While the research questions are subjective ones, the results clearly show that feelings of satisfaction and happiness aren’t linked to a country’s wealth.
We are pleased that Ethiopia was ranked highest when it came to school enjoyment. Unfortunately, many children don’t have the opportunity to go to school which is why Link Ethiopia’s focus has always been on increasing access to quality education. Thanks to your support many more children are able to go to school, and enjoy it at the same time.

Together We Learn - Ethiopia