Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

Link Ethiopia

is now called

Together We Learn

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Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

Child Sponsorship Clubs

Link Ethiopia’s Child Sponsorship Programme has different aspects and aims. From providing students with schools uniforms and school learning resources to building libraries and toilet facilities in schools, the programme aims to provide concrete support to young Ethiopians.


A relatively recent aspect of the Child Sponsorship Programme are the Sponsorship Clubs. These clubs aim to give sponsored children additional support and contact with our staff. It takes place in sponsored schools and all the members of the club will meet regularly. The principal aims of the Sponsorship Clubs are:

1- Providing kids with a safe space where they can support and get to know one another.
2- Creating the environment to run training and tutorial support sessions.
3- Providing extra-school support to students facing difficulties – with our staff or school teachers.

The goal of the Sponsorship Clubs is the one of providing sponsored kids with the tools and the knowledge to lead healthy and successful lives. Furthermore, Link Ethiopia, through these Clubs, is able to provide kids with tailored support, such as specific training and counselling. Students are also encouraged to take lead in discussions, share their ideas and are encouraged to become more active community members and global citizens.

Azezo-and-Makisegnit-trainee-8 Gondar-areas-trainee-3

We recently ran life-skills and heath & hygiene training club sessions with nearly 60 sponsored students in the Gondar area. Students from schools in Gondar, Azezo and Maksegnit all took part in sessions run by Link Ethiopia staff and professionals from other NGOs. Health and hygiene products were also shared out amongst participants and our team received very positive feedback from participants. These clubs continue throughout the year and we look forward to organising the next successful training events!

Together We Learn - Ethiopia